反应Matt Beard:我们对所取得的进展感到非常满意。马特·比尔德赞扬了利物浦女足在巴克莱女足超级联赛中获得第四名后所取得的进步。

反应Matt Beard:我们对所取得的进展感到非常满意。马特·比尔德赞扬了利物浦女足在巴克莱女足超级联赛中获得第四名后所取得的进步。

周六下午,红军在客场4-0战胜莱斯特城,以四连胜结束了本赛季的比赛。索菲·罗曼·豪格在第7分钟的头球为王权球场首开纪录,随后上演帽子戏法。下半场替补莉安·基尔南。阅读 LFC 女足主帅比尔德在获胜后对 Liverpoolfc.com 所说的话……

On a great way to end the season...This is a tough place to come. We know that better than anyone after last year. But we looked at their record, I think they've won one here all season, so we knew that they were vulnerable. I think if you look at goal three and four, I think [that] summed it up. But what a great performance [and] what a great season. [It's] an emotional day obviously saying goodbye to the ones that are going but to be able to celebrate with everyone there, [it's been] a fantastic season. We're really pleased.On handing a debut to 16-year-old Zara Shaw...She's worked incredibly hard obviously to get back on the pitch. We said before the game when we brought everyone with us today, Shanice [van de Sanden] couldn't come... but we brought everyone with us today. Faye Kirby as an example, [she's] been in the gym in the morning [and] in the afternoon and in the evening trying to get back fit. Everyone has an impact one way or the other. Her determination and Zara Shaw's determination to get back fit sums up the squad.On Rachael Laws stepping into goal despite injury...We tried to get an emergency loan. I think I rang every club going but for some reason clubs weren't willing to let a goalkeeper go. Obviously Lawsy broke her finger three weeks ago and she's played with a numb finger today in a splint. She deserves utmost credit, it shows her character. I thought her performance today was outstanding. The save from the free-kick was a fantastic save and then even the one that was flagged offside at the end. I thought she was excellent today.On Roman Haug...We know Sophie has got better as the season has gone on. She's been fantastic from that side [and] we're really pleased with just how the team has progressed. I think if you look at this month, we've beaten Bristol City away [with a] clean sheet. Leicester City away; clean sheet. Manchester United; clean sheet. And then obviously the epic game against Chelsea with the 4-3. We've had a fantastic month.

On Kiernan's impressive hat-trick...Fantastic. The last goal, what composure! She's just a fantastic player. She's getting stronger each week. You have to remember she was out for so long and to come back and have the impact she's done has been fantastic. She's more than just pace. Her finishing is second to none. I know better than anyone [because] I've seen it first-hand so many times. [At] West Ham and obviously here. I think if you look at the goal against Chelsea as well it's the composure for the finish. We're really, really pleased.On finishing in fourth place in the WSL...It's a big turnaround if you look at last year. Last year we knew that we were good enough to stay in the division [and] this year was about kicking on. I just think from our end we signed a young squad, every time we had a wobble we regrouped and just got on with it. I think [it's] the beauty of the group's mentality, and you've seen it again at the end here.On Thursday we presented Mel [Lawley], Shan and Emma [Koivisto] with their gifts. Those decisions are horrible - absolutely horrible. But we've got to do as a football club what's best by the team and most importantly what's best by them as people and players. I don't want to see any of them go because they're all great people but unfortunately it's just the nature of the business.

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